Tom and I were delighted to be invited by the BBC to witness a World Record Attempt last night in Bristol. Kev F Sutherland entertained us for 1 hour with 470+ jokes, both written by himself and submitted by the public. As pointed out by the Official Guiness World Record Adjudicator, the record was for the most jokes told, not the most read; so apart from quick glances at some cue cards – he had to do the performance from memory!

Unfortunately he didn’t break the record – which currently still stands at 549 jokes. But he did a fantastic job and we wish him the best of luck if he has a second attempt! Lots of jokes were funny too… 

The point of the attempt was to raise money for Comic Relief… and on that note, if you know a good joke, don’t forget to add it to and pay your £1. You’ll get a link back to your website and the knowledge that you’re helping support Red Nose Day.