WordPress have just released a new version – WordPress 3.2 – Have you updated yet?
This new version of WordPress (3.2) is the 15th major release of WordPress. It was created to make a fast and lighter WordPress with several extra new features.
Firstly it should be noted that it no longer supports Internet Explorer 6, as well as older versions of PHP and MySQL. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as WordPress has mentioned that they would at some stage be doing this.
They have adjusted the layout. You will first notice this when you log in – there is a new admin layout which you will notice when you see the dashboard. Furthermore a few more features have been added the admin bar, as well as your most commonly used actions.
One of the biggest changes to WordPress is the new ‘distraction-free writing’. This can be found when you start to write a blog post. In the editing toolbar of the new blog post you can click on a full-screen button that makes the page feels like it disappears leaving only a place to write your post. The page appears to be very minimal at first but as you start writing in the box, even that fades away and you are just left with what you are typing. If you need the tools to come back then you just move your mouse, and if you want to go back to the original page then click on the button at the top left hand side that says exit full screen. (See the picture below to get a feel for who it all disappears.)
I was dubious when I first read about this, but having used it and put it into practice, it really is a distraction free place to write and I really like it.
WordPress have also released some new fun theme features. There is now the ability to have multiple rotating header images – a good way of maybe highlighting your favourite photos or showing customers some of your products.
Have you upgraded yet? What are your thoughts on it? Please leave us a comment.
If you haven’t upgraded yet and would like to, please get in contact with us.