We built Muddy Boots’ website back in 2010 and so it was time for a refresh!

Muddy Boots’ software has evolved over the years and so they have a different message to tell now. They also wanted an effective way of letting people easily enquire about certain products or request a demo of a particular piece of software.

What started off as a “colour tweak” with some CMS enhancements soon became a design overhaul! Muddy Boots loved the idea of strong blocks of colour so we devised a design around this, which still suited the overall structure of their existing site. The fact that their site is built on a MVC framework (CodeIgniter) meant that we could change how the site looked – quite radically – without having to rebuild the site. CMS enhancements though mean that Muddy Boots can now choose colours for elements of the site and make better use of video and stylised text.

The overhaul also included making the site responsive, so that it changes it’s layout to suit mobile devices. Plus the home page now features a parrallax slider making the opening artwork much more dynamic!
