We built Mike Burns a website for his photography business a few years ago but with a new target market he needed a fresh look and feel.

Preivously primarily a wedding photographer, Mike’s website was very heavily wedding orientated. However a new business avenue has opened up to him, thanks to his experience with yachts and his investment in a platform for aerial videos.

Sticking with WordPress, as that’s what the previous site used, we designed and built him a fresh, fully responsive website to wow the most affulent of clients! Meanwhile the site still suits his audiences for wedding photography and portrait photography, as well as other new audiences for things such as interior and product shots.

It was important to use full screen images so as to show off Mike’s photography as much as possible, but of course with a responsive site this raises it’s own issues around download speeds – you don’t want a site to be slow to load on a mobile phone because it’s downloading a picture that’s big enough to fill a wide screen desktop monitor. Therefore we used WordPress’ default image uploading capabilities, but added some extra work so that the site stores various sizes of images and displays the one most suitable to the device it’s being viewed on.