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Mike Burns Photography launch

We're proud to present Mike Burns' new wedding photography website.Bristol based photographer Mike came to us with a design which we then tweaked to help with SEO before building the whole site on WordPress.The site features some advanced WordPress customisation to give a slick gallery and an availability calendar. When Mike…

Bath and West Facebook Timeline goes live

We were very proud last week to launch the Bath and West Facebook Timeline page.Working with the Bath and West's PR company, JBP, we were all set to design and build a custom Facebook landing tab for the famous show, when Facebook announced their plans to make the timeline compulsory…

Christian Day Designs website goes live!

We're very excited that Christian Day Designs has now gone live, ahead of a weekend full of wedding fairs!Christian Day provide blushing Brides with all the vintage and vintage-inspired wedding shoes and fashion accessories they could wish for for their big day! The site is a WordPress site with a shop…

Semantic Web and Google – what does it mean for your site?

With reports in the news that Google are going to be focusing more and more on semantic search, what does that mean for your website?I just had a call from a client asking what "semantic web" meant as they'd just read an article about Google making some big changes to…

Social media paranoia – would you give your boss your Facebook password?

I was quite shocked to read a blog post this week about job applications actually asking for your Facebook log in details before they consider you for a job!Apparently an application form has come to light in North Carolina for an admin job in a police department where it asks…

Delighted to welcome back

18a are delighted to welcome back to the fold!We helped them with their affiliate marketing management for a couple of years before they decided to take it all inhouse and manage it themselves. But now they're in the swing of it, they've identified an area they'd like us to…

Images missing from cross-sales feature of wp e-commerce

When Christian Day Designs turned on the cross selling feature in their WP e-commerce site, they found the images were missing.Under each item, where it shows you "people who bought this item also bought" it was just an ugly missing photo.So, with a quick fix to the display.functions.php file,…

Kelkoo API switch over – are you going to bother?

For years we've done various affiliate marketing projects using the Kelkoo API, but over the past couple of years the returns have gone through the floor.So I just wondered what anyone else out there who uses Kelkoo thought? Have you noticed the same issue? Or did you give up and…

Customising your menus in WordPress

I had an interesting issue today when something as simple as an icon disappearing made quite a difference to the usability of WordPress!I was working on a site with GetShopped's WP e-commerce installed - which I'm not sure is entirely relevant, but it is a variable that might be significant!I…

Facebook Fan Page covers

I've just been asked by a client about how their Facebook Fan page would look if they don't upload a cover by the 31st March.They wanted to know if their thumbnails which currently sit along the top of their page will still show. But I don't think they will.Instead, as…

Facebook Fan pages will get the timeline by the end of March

The big Facebook news at the moment is that by the end of March all Facebook Fan pages for businesses will display the controversial Timeline layout.Until the 30th March, you can preview your fan page on the Timeline layout and then at the end of the month it will go live.…

How to remove the Reward Points feature from OpenCart

OpenCart is a great piece of Open Source software if you're looking for a cost effective online shop.We've done a few OpenCart sites lately and it's typically very nice to work with.However, for some unknown reason, it seems the developers of OpenCart decided that no shop is complete without the…