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Smartphone city guide is launched by the Mayor of Poole!

After lots of careful planning and hard work, has gone live, officially opened by the Mayor of Poole on the 31st January.We were approached by to help them realise the technical side of their fantastic new offering to locations around the world. City Insights are a team of…

Happy New Year from 18a!

Happy 2012! It's our first day back in the office today, and we've hit the ground running with 1 new commission confirmed and requests for 3 other estimates!Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and we wish you all the best for 2012!

18a Christmas 2011 opening hours

Our offices will be closed from 5.30pm on Friday 23rd December 2011 - 9am on Monday 9th January 2012.  Hosting: All hosting will continue to be monitored 24/7 and any problems will be addressed throughout the Christmas period. We might be on holiday, but we're still on hosting-watch! Support: If…

WordPress 3.3 is released

If you've got a WordPress blog, then you might want to consider upgrading to the latest version - WordPress 3.3.Features include the ability to drag and drop a batch of mixed media instead of uploading each file (there's been a multi-file uploader for a while which I found was never…

Join us for the first RWW Bristol meet up!

One of the biggest technology blogs in the world, Read Write Web, are organising a Worldwide meet up on Tuesday 15th November, and encouraging people across the globe to organise meet ups in their area.So we're organising the Bristol one! Calling all South West geeks! If you're in the web industry…

Paypal now keep their fee when you refund a customer

We're just setting up the Paypal API for a new client, and have found a change since we last did it just a few weeks ago!It seems that in September 2011, the UK terms for Paypal updated to say that Paypal now keep the fixed part of their fee when…

The Dead Circus has come alive!

One of our latest website is now live! It is The Dead Circus. This site was made to promote a one off Halloween party. It is set to be a great event and it's now fully booked. The site had an in-built ticket booking system, which let customers buy not only a ticket…

Fancy a stake in Half Baked Brand?

We made Half Baked Brand's website for them last year so they could begin selling their cycling apparel online.It's been an exciting year for the new company, with shop premises all but open and great features in leading national cycling magazines. And now it's set to get all the more…

Have you got customer reviews on your Facebook page?

If you've got customer reviews on your Facebook page, which are no where else, then copy and paste them and save them quick!Facebook have announced that as of the 31st October 2011 they're removing the reviews tab from Facebook Pages, so as to encourage people to use the wall instead.…

How to get different shipping rates on your OpenCart shop.

If you ship your products globally you may find you need to provide different prices for different countries. A common set up in the UK is; a flat rate shipping fee to when shipping to addresses in the UK and then a higher rate for Europe and then an even…

How to get rid of vertical scrollbars in a Facebook fan page application

More and more companies are getting customised Facebook pages, like ours! But when you create a basic Facebook fan page application you might find that the lovely design you've created gets horrible vertical scroll bars added along the right hand side. Here's a quick 'howto' to explain the steps you…

How to make someone an admin of your Facebook page

If you're an organisation with a Facebook Fan Page, a time is likely to come where you need someone else to be able to administer your page. This is particularly the case in companies, when the person who created the page goes on holiday or is out of the office.It's very…