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Great book release for our client Nathan Lee Davies

A little while ago we designed and set up a WordPress blog for our client Nathan Lee Davies.We are happy to announce that a book he wrote for as a special guest, has been published and is now available on Amazon! This book is called The Great British Breakfast: In…

Facebook face tagging – and how to turn it off

Facebook have done it again - rolled out a feature and angered people who didn't want it turned on by default. And this latest feature, is more than a little bit creepy!Now, when you upload photos, Facebook will try to recognise if your friends are in any of them, and then…

Gmail autoresponders not working with POP3 email accounts

For years now, I've run my work email through Gmail and never had a problem with people receiving an "out of the office" message when I'm in meetings or on holiday.However, it's just come to my attention that this feature isn't 100% reliable lately, so I've spent this morning investigating...A…

Facebook Like Box not showing faces?!

Have you found that your Facebook Like Box doesn’t appear properly on your website? You get the title but it doesn't seem to pull through any faces?Well the problem is so much simpler than I had imagined!The default height of the box given by Facebook is too short. The code by… has gone LIVE!!

This is so exciting – it is such a great site. It is a website that lets you can book adventure travels in Ireland. It is a bespoke booking system which allows admin to plot points along a route which visitors can then book, according to where they would like to…

An osCommerce makeover for

We did a design makeover for our client FoxFitting on their osCommerce Shop.A new design was created for the site, but we chose to use much of the old layout so that the structure to the website did not have to change. The new site is more modern and streamlined as…

Web browsers – Are you having problems with IE 9?

Since the release of the Microsoft IE9 - 14th March 2011, there have been no major glitches reported. However there have been many reported minor problems. A problem that appears to be more and more common is a troubleshooting problem when you are trying to install Internet Explorer 9. We have seen…

Beta Sage and Sage – A Comparison Of Their Old and Their New Website

Looking at the two Sage Software sites, and not knowing which is the new one and which isn’t is hard to decipher. While the colours are the same (greens and greys)everything else appear different, so much so that if you didn’t know what Sage does then you could be easily…

The new Google Chromebook

So when I first heard of the "Chromebook" I honestly couldn't think what it might be! I thought it was maybe a published document of research from Google. But doh! It's a little netbook (small laptop) that doesn't have anything else than a web browser on it.No desktop (and so…

The Facebook Smear Campaign Against Google

I read on the BBC website today that Facebook have admitted to paying a PR company to run a smear campaign against Google.Imagine taking the tactic of rather than paying a PR company to promote you, you pay them to bad mouth your competition? Not an approach I like, or…

Internet World Conference

I'm writing this on the way back from the last day of the Internet World conference, and overall I'd say it was an interesting day out!There was the usual barage of email marketers, SEO-ers and hosting companies and at least one "newly invented brand new product" that has of course…

Cinemagraph – Amazing Photos That Move

Have you ever seen a photo move?Well if you haven’t, have a look here! Cinemagraphs, which is what they are being called, are a cross between a moving video and a still image. And so far the examples we have seen look great! They are made with the old gif.…