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How to make your website talk to you

If you're like me and you prefer listening rather than reading, then a new API from Ericson might be just up your street! Their new text to speech API lets developers quickly and easily convert strings of text into audio files. It's then just a small step to creating a…

Security threat in Internet Explorer

Microsoft have issued a warning that any Window's user who uses Internet Explorer to view the Internet should download a security patch whilst they work on fixing the problem for good. The patch is available for download from Microsoft's website, and is designed to stop websites you visit being able…

The devil is in the detail, as Google demonstrates

Google announced yesterday that they're going to change how URLs appear in ads on search results pages. The search engine constantly tweaks and refines it's offerings and way of going about things, and the latest announcement is that all URLs displayed in ads will be shown with the domain in…

How has the snow effected your work? Take our quick survey…

In case you haven't noticed, the UK is at a bit of a stand still this week due to the crazy amount of snow we've had. I've been speaking to several people over the last couple of days who have had to work from home because they couldn't get into…

Snowy website updates

Don't forget to keep your customers up to speed on your business operations in these snowy times! If you've got a blog or a CMS, consider adding a message to your website that tells your customers when you're open this Christmas, or about any changes to your normal operating times…

Get your own Google Places page

You may have noticed, when you use Google, that some listings appear at the top of the results as bullet points next to, or on, a map. If you want to get featured here, you need to sort yourself out with a Google Places page. Through this you can display…

18a Productions 2010 Christmas opening hours

It's been a busy year here at 18a HQ so we're taking a break over the festive period! Our offices will be closed from 24th December 2010 - 4th January 2011 inclusive.  Hosting: We might be on a break, but we don't get off that lightly! All hosting will continue…

VAT rise in January 2011

Yep, it's happening again - the VAT rate is changing. So let us know if you need a hand updating your site for it. Whether you have an online shop, a subscription based service, an online booking system or just the odd "buy now" Paypal button, get in touch if…

Alex from Much Better Adventures quoted by the Guardian

We always get excited when our clients - especially start ups with great ideas - are featured in the press. And even though are getting press coverage all the time now, the novelty still doesn't wear off! This month, site co-founder Alex Narracott was quoted in the Guardian in…

Facebook tries to copyright the words face and book!

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has this week granted the social media giant Facebook a "notice of allowance" to trade mark the word "face". Apparently Facebook have a history of going after anyone who use "face" or "book" in their name - UTalkMarketing cites examples such as Teachbook…

Bristol restaurants coming up trumps!

We're always mentioning the latest places we've eaten in Bristol to friends and family outside the city - and increasingly these little gems are getting the recognition they deserve! After achieving Bristol's first Michelin Star, Casamia in Westbury-on-Trym have just been crowned Britain's best restaurant by Gordon Ramsey! Brothers Jonray…

Day and Night design feature on

This is really quite simple compared to the rest of the coding we do here at 18a Towers, but it's still fun! If you visit - a website we've made for free to help promote our local area - then, depending on whether you visit it in the day…