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Impressive Amateur Special Effects

I just found this short film reading an article on reelseo and just had to share it because it's really impressive stuff and just shows what you can do with a couple of $1,000 cameras, a decent software suite, a couple of interesting looking Russian dudes and a lot of…

What is Google? And how does it work with your new website?

One of the most common causes for confusion with website owners is how Google works, so I thought I'd just write a little explanation! When you have a website built, you have a domain name address ( where you and other people can visit your website. The way to get…

Browser testing to include skype?

Just to add to the long list of what us web developers have got to check for is Skype installations. I've been noticing recently how if you've got Skype installed on your computer, then it is very helpful and turns phone numbers into clickable links for you on websites you…

Tart featured in Good Housekeeping

Gloucester Road's very own Tart has a double page spread in the latest edition (October 2010) of Good Housekeeping. Tart are our client (we help them looking after their website) and our neighbour on Gloucester Road so we were very excited for them when they told us to watch out…

The meerkat strikes again.

We follow Aleksandr Orlov on Twitter, so I noticed yesterday that he (!) was quite chuffed that his catchphrase "Simples!" was used in hit E4 show The Inbetweeners. Series 3 of The Inbetweeners had been eagerly awaited by many after gradually building up a huge army of fans, and Channel…

New twitter site starts rolling out

Twitter have unveiled their new look site - and I think it looks pretty good! Of course the proof is in the using... I really like the way Twitter have managed the space on the screen - with show and hides you can give a user a lot of information…

Yarty Valley Dairies win Taste of the West Award

I just made a round of tea in 18a HQ and found that - by pure chance - we had Yarty Valley Dairies milk. Which was very exciting because we made Yarty Valley's website for them earlier this year! The wordpress site allows them to update the site with news…

New reviews section of are going from strength to strength, and so to build on the community aspect of their adventure travel site, they needed a full scale reviews system! When the site launched last November it had the facility for members to leave a review, along with photos, but it was time…

Uploading PDFs and other file attachments in WordPress

If you want to offer your readers a downloadable PDF or other file on your Wordpress blog, then here's how you do it... Just above the main content area - whether you're writing a page or a post - there's a row of symbols. You'll be familiar with the first… The quicker way to visit us

When we heard that you could now buy .co domains we were quick to snap up as we thought it sounded pretty cool and we loved the idea of even shorter email addresses. Ok we're not Columbian, but .com domains aren't just used by American companies either, and the…

Horizontal spaces between images in Gmail html emails

I just received a HTML newsletter from and it reminded me of something we discovered with Gmail a few months ago... Since the powers-that-be at Google created a new class of font-size:80%, horizontal spaces have been appearing between images. And it looks like play have unfortunately (maybe) fallen foul…

Clever email marketing idea from my-wardrobe

I received a newsletter last night that I thought was quite a clever idea, from With the bank holiday approaching, they asked several high profile editors what they'd be wearing over the long weekend. Bang on subject for their target market - trend setters discussing styles, with tips and…