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Code for America… Why not Code for Britain?

I just stumbled upon this interesting project currently going on in the US. Code for America is a project aimed at bringing some of the skills and experience from the private tech sector into government to help councils in cities around the US become more efficient. I particularly like the…

18a meet Facebook Developer Matt Kelly

We admit it. We're geeks. Which meant it was very exciting to meet Facebook Developer Matt Kelly (left in the pic, with our Technical Director Tom Freeman on the right) in San Francisco as part of our 18a Road Trip the other day. He was a lovely guy and it…

Embargo a post or page in WordPress

When you add a post or a page to Wordpress, you have the option of embargoing it so it doesn't display on your site until a set date. Really useful if you want to write a whole load of content once a month and have it drip feed through during…

Using the WordPress more tag

Sometimes you see blogs and just from looking at the first page you can read the whole body of 10 articles. Other times you see blogs and you can only read the first paragraph or so before you have to click on a title or read more link to see…

Select All in Image Ready

Quick little Image Ready tip - if you're trying to select the whole of a frame using Ctrl+A on your keyboard, you need to have the "hand" tool on from the options palette. This is different to Photoshop, where you can pretty much use Ctrl+A anytime.  So just incase you're…

San Fransisco Facebook Developer Meetup

As part of our epic US social media tour we're really excited to be meeting up with some Facebook developers and engineers from the other side of the pond at the San Fransisco Facebook Developer Meetup on June 28. It should be a great opportunity to discuss the new platform…

How to change the border on image thumbnails in a WordPress gallery

Just a quick little "tutorial"/pointer for anyone looking to change the thickness, style or colour of the border of a thumbnail in a Wordpress gallery.... The details of the thumbnails can be found in wp-includes/media.php. Here you'll find: #{$selector} { margin: auto; } #{$selector} .gallery-item { float: {$float}; margin-top: 10px;…

Second Sainsbury’s website goes live.

Back in January we launched a website for Sainsbury's new store in Ashton Gate, and so we were delighted to be asked us to build another for the potential store in Wadebridge. It's always nice to get repeat business :) went live today and features a custom built CMS and…

Lessons from Silicon Valley

A really interesting video entitled, Lessons from Silicon Valley, popped into my inbox this morning, part of the latest newsletter. Silicon Valley really does sound like a great environment for encouraging and nurturing startup potential. There's certainly a huge amount that both the UK business community and the government…

Use social media imaginatively for your business

Facebook isn't for every business. And for those that it suits, just creating a Fan Page isn't enough to bring social media success. You've got to think about your audience and what they want... One of the most imaginative (but at the same time a little nauseating!) uses of social…

Designing for WordPress

I love Wordpress - it's a great piece of opensource software that's really blog software, but because of it's feature of "pages", also makes a great CMS. I've been asked by a few designers lately what they need to consider when designing for Wordpress. So I thought I'd share what…

New invoicing system a success

As we do our invoicing at the beginning of each month for the previous month, this week has been the first chance I've had to play with our new invoicing system. After a year or so battling with the rubbish system our bank wanted us to use, we've now built…