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Getting Agile with SCRUM – Choosing a Development Methodology

There are so many different approaches you can take when starting a new web project. In the past I've preferred to use an 18a take on the time tested waterfall approach. It's what I was taught at uni, and it's served me well over the years. Being a straight forward…

You know you’ve made it when you’re the Google logo.

It's not every day one of our clients is the front page of Google! The first page of search results, yes, but being the search box itself is pretty special! Oscars, Baftas - you see them all when you go to make a website at Aardman HQ in Bristol. But today…

RSS making machine!

I'm loving at the moment! We're kitting all our clients out with free RSS feeds, which can then be fed into Twitter or a Facebook Fan Page. For it's great, because I've been able to make them feeds for all the different areas of their site in just…

Snowflake Champions!

We were (or I was!) very excited on Wednesday night to get the Affiliate Window newsletter announcing that we'd won the Christmas Challenge in week 1. The task was to create the best snowflake... the winning entry is below and I'm £50 the richer for it! Thanks Affiliate Window! You… online shop goes live

Blimy - can 1 web development company launch more sites in a month than we are doing this October?! Another one went live last week - - the online gift shop of the Worcestershire Boutique, Gifted. The site uses oscommerce software, as it provided everything Gifted needed as a…

Create an RSS feed quickly and easily with – new system launches

I've just realised that in all the excitement of last week, I didn't blog about the launch of our brand new exciting system! rssa (really simply syndicate anything) lets anyone create an RSS feed of their news in 2 quick steps. The system's completely free, and as long as your… site launches for Bristol City Council

It's been a busy couple of weeks for us, with several big site launches as projects come to completion. is a website where people living in Bristol can learn more about their local rivers. The site allows authorised members of River Groups to upload resources on to a map…

Twitter API – job done in 30 minutes!

Here at 18a we're getting very excited about our new web service - it's been under wraps for a little while but it's very nearly ready to launch! And one of the final stages was for Tom to integrate the Twitter API. He sat down to do it this morning… goes live.

We recently provided My Discount Voucher with a new design for the remake of their site. And I just received an email from Kunal this morning to say their team have built it and it's now gone live! Always exciting to see your work on the (big) screen! So we wish… launches in Beta.

This has been a big project for 18a, and we're really thrilled for Alex and Ed from Much Better Travel Ltd that their site has gone live. I'm also pleased to be able to unveil the design at last, as we really love the photography we sourced with the guys…

muchbetter already; a long day in the 18a office.

We had the guys from Much Better Travel around yesterday to go through every last detail of their new adventure sports holiday site. When I say "long day", I mean they arrived at 11am and left at 11.30pm. That's a long day for anyone! Especially poor Tom who was programming…

Calling all QuickBooks Pro 2008 invoicing system users

This software has it's fair share of bugs (I keep thinking I'll ask Tom to code us up a different invoicing system instead, but our accounts dept have spent a while getting all our clients details and templates etc in there now), but by far the most annoying one is…