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Brand damage online – and they probably don’t even know about it.

Just had a missed call from an 0845 number... so a spot of Googling later and it ends up it was from a rather well known double glazing company. What actually came up in Google was a discussion about how rude and pushy people who call from that number are,…

Client reminder HTML email for

Last year we made a website and booking system for, and this year, to encourage their previous guests to go back to the site, they're going to send out a pretty HTML email using Their designers (hotrod creations) designed the mail shot after we advised them on what…

Can we already get too much “on demand”?

Tom just had a call from BT, trying to sell him BT Vision - their TV service where you buy a box for £15 and then for a small amount a month (the prices all sounded OK to be honest) you can get lots of channels, and as well the… nearly ready for launch…. including new banner pallette

We're getting very excited here at 18a Towers, as the new adventure sports travel website is nearly ready to go live! We met with Alex and Ed on Tuesday to run through the first working version of the site and now we're just finishing off some of the wealth…

Example of a good email newsletter by firebox.

For a while now I've thought Firebox newsletters have been good, with eye catching designs that perform well, such as the one below. Even if you're using an email client that can't display the background image, the centre area is still very smart. But I was particularly impressed by their…

HTML email template for UKForex

Foreign Exchange company UKForex came to us for an HTML template to be designed and built so that the emails they send to their private and corporate clients were more attractive than just plain text. They will be sending it using their inhouse email system, and it may be rolled…

18a Orchard bears fruit!

I really thought Tom's Dad, who very kindly let us plant the 18a Orchard on his farm, was playing a joke on me by sticking an apple on to one of our tiny little saplings when I walked across the field to check out the orchard the other day. But…

New collection of Halloween banners for AQuarterOf

This morning I've been busy making a new pallette of creative for one of our Affiliate Management clients, AQuarterOf. The retro sweet shop are of course very popular at this time of year, what with Trick or Treat being the topic of the next 6 weeks! So I wanted to…

Update your browser

Hurrah! We are all behind this campaign from - not only are old browsers slow, they just don't let you experience the cool stuff the web has to offer now a days! And the longer web developers and designers have to support rubbish IE6 and others, the longer jobs… – updates to new client’s site

I've loved the style of Tart on Gloucester Road ever since before they even opened last year - our old offices were practically next door so we could see the interior design coming together every day and couldn't wait to get inside. By the time we introduced ourselves to our… – updates to sculptor’s website

I had seen the remarkable work of Vivien Mallock a few months ago, and it didn't cross my mind that we would get a call asking us to host and maintain her site. It seems the site was originally made with software (I think Dreamweaver, but I'm a hand-coded kinda…

AQuarterOf feature in the Sunday Times

My my, it really was  a busy day yesterday for our clients getting great media coverage! AQuarterOf, the old fashioned online sweet shop for whom we do affiliate management, had a feature in the Sunday Times yesterday; an interview with their founder Michael Parker about how he made AQuarterOf the…