Skip to main content feature in the Observer

We're very excited for our client, as they were featured in the Observer yesterday, in a half page article complete with a photo of one of their members! ukpropertyclub helps like minded co-renters, co-buyers and co-letters find each other and work together to get the properties they want. The… launches.

Yey! Finally a spare weekend so I can put together my designs for my new hobby site. I've had the domain and PSDs sitting around for months - and now I finally have a working site to show for it. lists prizes and freebies up for grabs across the…

Google Maps API geo locating

It was a late night last night, as Tom was keen to get his new site live. is a site of Tom's that he made ages ago (2004 I think...) that was in certain need of a revamp. It was written in Perl, and whilst it worked fine, it…

And a new home page for nbs…

Ok, so I couldn't leave it at new landing pages. Once the nbs bug got me again, I was hooked! So the site now has a much cooler (we think) home page, allowing us to feature competitions and features, and link to shopping and delivery guides. Plus with a section…

New shopping landing pages

It's always your own projects that get neglected when you've got lots of client work on (which we're not complaining about!) but I finally had some evenings to put together the magazine pages for that I've been planning for months! I hope you like them! Shown below are the…

The importance of a good meta description

Whilst debate still rages as to whether Google takes any notice of meta keywords anymore (keywords you put in the head of your webpage, that you and your visitors don't see, but that Google and all other search engines do), it's still vital to have strong title tags and, I…

Clarke Willmott internal HTML email newsletter templates

Clarke Willmott's PR company, JBP, asked us to build their HTML email newsletter templates from designs done by Stuff. We really like the designs and they suit emails really well, as there are several things to be wary of when designing good HTML emails. The main thing is that they…

New Hop Pocket Wine Co site goes live

Yey! We're all very excited about the launch of the new Hop Pocket Wine Co website. The site is built around oscommerce, as the specialist wine shop already had an online shop using the software, and so wanted to quickly and easily be able to refill their database of hundreds…

3 new instructions for 18a

We are delighted to be working on new projects for 3 new clients over the next couple of months. Orchard Osteopaths unfortunately had a rough ride with their last web development team and the site never launched, so we're picking up the baton and have the designs under the way…

Website planning –

We're always telling our clients that planning a website before the build begins is vital. And never has this been more true than with the planning of The guys behind the site, Alex and Ed, have loads of great ideas and so it's been a detailed process to wire…

Stressed Eric build for Aardman

It's not every day you step into work and are greeted by an Oscar! But I was this morning when I arrived at the Gas Ferry Road Aardman studios. I was there to build their design for the new Stressed Eric website, and after all Tom had said about the…

New blueCRM site goes live

The new blue CRM site has gone live, for which we designed and built the front end, and planned and wireframed the back end/member area for their in-house team to build in .net. They produced the video on the home page in-house, and we included checking scripts so that if…