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Designing Cross Browser.

Neat, well put together code can often avoid major browser compatibility issues. But can still be the odd few problems - especially when a design calls for a certain amount of words on one line etc etc. There are some web services out there they check compatibility for you by…

StreetChance supported by Barclays Spaces for Sports new CMS goes live.

We were very pleased last year to be asked to build a microsite for StreetChance, a partnership between the English Cricket Board/Chance to shine, Barclays Spaces for Sports, Cricket for Change, Positive Futures and the Metropolitan Police Service. Now, as the initiative to engage young people across London boroughs with cricket…

Happy Birthday to the World Wide Web!

20 years ago, when I was already older than I care to remember, Tim Berners-Lee, and later his chum Robert Cailliau, were busy writing a proposal for an idea called "WorldWideWeb". You can read it at - a very nicely put together doc. The idea was to be able to browse large quantities of information, using…

Noel Gallagher and Wired Strings news sent from

Buy The Sunday Times this weekend! I've just built and sent an email in 18amail telling Wired Strings fans about a CD that they have worked on with Noel Gallagher in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust, that's free this weekend with The Sunday Times.  The Album, entitled ‘The Dreams We Have As Children’,…

BBC World Record dreams dashed!

Tom and I were delighted to be invited by the BBC to witness a World Record Attempt last night in Bristol. Kev F Sutherland entertained us for 1 hour with 470+ jokes, both written by himself and submitted by the public. As pointed out by the Official Guiness World Record Adjudicator, the…

Working on a shoestring…

I am! Literally! to be precise! Shoestring is a collaboration between several London based companies who all have experience of working together and are now offering their services to Museums - at a good price (hence the name!). 3D designers, graphic designers, writers and content developers have all joined forces to help…

New blog category – what we’re up to!

We've decided we should share the word about some of the exciting projects we're a part of every day! So welcome to our new category, to keep you up to date with what we're up to!

18amail soft launch – send and monitor HTML emails to your mailing list.

We are extremely excited to annouce the soft-launch of After many clients asked us for an affordable system which would allow them to create and manage mailing lists, as well as send and schedule HTML emails, we created a system to give any one all the functionality they could dream…

A tree for every website.

We promised to plant a tree for every website we make. So at the end of 2008, we got busy planting our own little 18a Orchard in a beautiful part of Worcestershire. We planted a selection of Apple trees (inc. Bramleys and Cox Orange Pippen), some Cherry trees, and -…

BBC TV ad error spotted!

Ok, so this is about as geeky as it gets... but on a rather nice animation for BBC 3 (you know - the kind they play whilst the voice over says what's coming next etc - know they've got a name but can't think what it is...) there was a…

Stephen Fry is now following you on Twitter!

This totally made my morning! The Dancer, couturier, superheavyweight boxer and rapper Stephen Fry is now following us on Twitter! (Ok along with another 19,372 people) but still really made my morning! Thanks Stephen, thoroughly decent of you! :)

Retailers who currently don’t submit feeds to comparison engines may be missing out!

According to an online shopping survey conducted by e-consultancy, retailers who currently don't submit feeds to comparison engines may be missing out on the growth of online shopping. With 56% of consumers claiming their online spending will not be effected by the 'credit crunch' and 62% claiming they are now…