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Web Design Time Breakdown

Sometimes it's really hard to know where all the time has gone, suddenly you look up, and it's time for lunch, then before you know it, it's getting dark! This pie-chart breaking down the time spent in modern web design amused me, hehe, how true! Except it doesn't count for…

18a in the Guardian!

Jemima Kiss, a blogger for The Guardian, interviewed Tom a little while ago (and requested some photos - eek!) about our site is a quick and easy to use tool for checking the price of items when you are out and about on your mobile phone. So next…

Happy birthday to us!

This week marks the first birthday of 18a productions! And so to celebrate, we had a little party with our friends and work colleagues on Saturday, complete with birthday cake and party bags. Unfortunately the cake, along with the BBQ, disappeared before we had chance to take any photos...! We'd…

Making Payments with your Mobile

Apparently according to a report by O2, 9 out of 10 people who took part in their six-month trial were happy to pay for stuff using their mobile phone, instead of the traditional credit card. The technology, called field communications technology or NFC for short, works by waving or touching…

Google launch their new browser – Google Chrome

So the inevitable has happened - Google have built their first browser, set to take on Microsoft and leave Internet Explorer as a distant memory.News of today's launch was 'leaked' to Google Blog-oscoped (the blog by Philipp Lenssen - which is currently down, probably due to having been visited just…

The importance of telephone support.

I have 2 clients at the moment who both have .com domains registered with budget - and in one instance, extremely well known - hosting companies / domain registrars. All each of them need is that .com redirected to their website that is running on the I do not…

From India with Love…

Outsourcing to India is nothing new. But today alone we've been cold called by 3 companies, all based in India, wanting us to outsource technical development. I'm not sure if this is good news or not really, but I do know it's very annoying to have the same conversation over…

Hunt for the Perfect CMS

Probably the most commonly requested requirement for a website is the ability for the client to add and edit pages. It sounds such a simple requirement, but in reality it's really tricky to get the balance right between functionality, flexibility and the level of technical skills required. There are literally…

How to Let your Users Create Desktop Shortcuts to your Website

Bookmarks are very handy for remembering sites you like, but wouldn't it be really neat to let your users create a proper icon on their desktop that links directly through to your website? Or even a link in the Quick Launch bar right next to the start button. Using Gears…

Count down for press launch!

We were extremely proud to be commissioned to build the website for the StreetChance supported by Barclays Spaces for Sports campaign recently; a partnership between Chance to shine, Barclays Spaces for Sports, Cricket for Change, Positive Futures and the Metropolitan Police Service. The initiative is a three year project, initially…

Round the coast of Ireland on a bike! They Must be Nuts!

Our friends over at Wibfilm are leaving this Saturday to start their ambitious cycle ride round the coast of Ireland and in the process no doubt testing the theory that you can live off Guinness for 2 weeks! ;) The trip will be starting on the 11th of August 2008…

DELL gets pretty

Wow! I absolutely love these new DELL computers! And I defy anyone not to think they look stunning and crave one for their desk! Dell claim it's their greenest, most "power-efficient consumer desktop", as it uses 70% less power than a regular desktop and has an 87% efficient power supply.…