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Friends Reunited TV advertising campaign

A few weeks ago I wrote about how Friends Reunited had announced their site is now free for users - in an attempt to catch up with Facebook I presumed. Well I've just seen a TV ad for the 'new Friends Reunited' website on ITV! Correct me if I'm wrong,…

Firefox Guinness World Record Download Attempt

Has Firefox Set the Guinness Record for the most downloads in a 24 hour period? That was the aim for the latest release of their ever popular browser; Firefox 3. Millions of people logged into the official site to grab a copy of the browser, infact according to the Download…

Friends Reunited playing catch up

Who else found an email in their inbox this morning, announcing FriendsReunited has gone completely free? The email says "[w]ith over 19 million members, we're still the best place to find your old friends". Hint of desperation there? Trying to remind us that there was a world before Facebook? What…

18a client BOLTS hair and body on Channel 4

Axminster based salon BOLTS hair and body came to us for a website to match their new image. The company, formerly BOLTS hair design, added a beauty salon to pamper the senses, with holistic treatments such as Hot Stones Therapy, Indian Head Massage and Reflexology, along side more traditional body…

Brains work best when they’re hydrated. We have the proof.

You don't have to be a fan of the thunderbirds to appreciate how brilliant this ad campaign is. Using a combination of highly skilled puppeteers following choreography and clever computer work converting a digitally scanned real dancer into the image of Brains. I really love this ad; it makes me… – The Mobile Price Checking Service

We've touched on mobile web development in the past couple of posts. It's an exciting new area which offers a huge potential for growth as more people get online with their mobile phones. Well rather than just talk about it, we thought we'd give it a go, and is…

Keep Up With Promotions!

We've all done it - well, those of us who have accounts with affiliate marketing networks. Set up an account, put a few banners on a site, and then get tied down with the next project, forget exactly who we joined/what we linked to and just delete each merchant email…

Is the Mobile Web Dead?

This might seem a strange thing to ask considering my previous 2 blog entries, but it's a view shared by a couple of long standing mobile web entrepreneurs, and highlighted in an article I've just read. Personally I think this is a prime example of link baiting! By stating something…

Basic Guidelines for Developing a Mobile Friendly Website

There are a few basic things to consider when building a site that's mobile friendly. It's all pretty common sense when you think about it, and infact I've found most of these rules simply apply as good 'general' rules anyway. I.e. Use of good quality well-formed code, css based design…

The Mobile Internet is Now

I've been reading a fair bit lately into what many people suspect will be the 'next big thing' on the Internet; the final 'coming of age' of the mobile Internet. There are a lot of people doing a lot of things in the mobile web world, I feel like I've…

Number 1 in Google…

That's where everyone wants their site to be. Some people, incredibly naively, think that as soon as they make a website, their site will magically appear above the millions of other existing pages in the search results. I've often heard stories from other developers of clients calling them up in…

Navigation Trends and Ideas

A websites navigation is one of the most important aspects in it's design. Making a site easy to navigate and intuitive to the user, while at the same time interesting and original is always something to aspire to. This article by smashing magazine gives a nice little overview of some…