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DreamAds – Taking Adsense to the Next Level

Stumbled upon this post on ReadWriteWeb this morning which I found particularly interesting and had me going for a minute! I particularly like the new CPD (cost per Desire) trading model, sounds like they are onto a winner if they manage to get this project up and running! :)

The day Google turned the lights out.

Anyone else visit today and think their monitor was being screwwy? The usually white background was black, with the text in white. Apparently it was all part of Google's attempt to raise the UK public's attention to 'Earth Hour' and attempts at conserving engergy usage. Earth Hour wants people…

Technorati Code

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Some Innovative Ideas for Getting Inbound Links to your Website

Everyone who has tried to market a website will know how hard it is getting established. Getting those first, all important inbound links to your site can feel like an uphill struggle, especially if you've built 'just another' shopping website. You might think your new site is the best thing…

When is a ‘bad’ logo design actually ‘good’?

I was just stumbling through the Internet and came across this interesting article about logo design... Is there really such a thing as bad publicity!? Also anyone who thinks the original 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana was a little grungy might appreciate this Tango version - made me smile,…

Unleash the CSS – Creating Multiple Skins for your Site

How easy is it to change the entire look of your site? If your site is more than 2 years old and the slightest bit complicated I would imagine it's pretty tricky... The days of table based layouts are long behind us. Over the past couple of years we've seen…

Facebook and Marmite

Two videos doing well on YouTube at the moment pretty much sum up the Facebook divide - you either love it or you hate it. I was shocked last weekend when a friend said "I've heard Facebook are going to start charging... that would annoy me, but I'd pay!". After…

New Social Shopping Widgets aid Online Promotion

It's an increasingly crowded online marketplace, with everyone competing for the top spots on the search engines, beating each other up with adwords and fighting for all the traffic they can get. You might have the best products in the world, but if nobody knows you exist then it's hard…

Facebook on the Decline

I was just reading on the fantastic how the readership of Facebook has apparently dipped over the past month or so, although some are putting this dip in user numbers down to 'seasonal' factors. There's no denying the impact Facebook has had over here in the UK, everyone's been…

MocBook Air

The MocBook Air fits perfectly on any design conscious persons desk. The Air weighs an astonishing 0.0kg and it's sleek design gives it the illusion of being so thin it's invisible to the naked eye. It fits so well into the background you won't even notice it's there. The powerful…

Social Bookmark Shopping.. What!?

Hands up who's heard of social bookmarking. I expect most people reading this article will have. The concept has been around for an Internet 'eternity' now. I thought everyone in the Facebook generation would be familiar with the idea, but I was speaking to a friend of mine yesterday, happily…

Facebook Style Image Grabber

I love the way Facebook works; there are so many subtly clever gizmos that just make the whole experience that little bit smoother and pleasant. One feature I particularly like is the image grabber. For those that don't know, if you enter a URL while writing a private message in…