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How to Generate an Image Captcha

Everyone hates spammers, how they sleep at night I don't know... Maybe they are so rich they can afford to buy those special space age mattresses that mold to fit your shape, or machines that imitate the sound of the ocean! (OK I got that from a film). But one…

Give your site an MOT

We often have clients asking us to check out their site and see if there are any bits we'd suggest improving or changing, so I thought I'd just list my quick top things to check out for and make sure your site has. This is far from exhaustive so please…

Checking your site on Safari

There's an increasing number of Mac users who are impossible to ignore. I may even become one myself at some point as they do look pretty nice! If like me you've always coded websites on a PC in the past you might have been forgiven for 'over-looking' the small percentage…

What are you listening to right now?

If, like me, you get bored of the same old songs being played over and over again on commercial radio, or find Chris Moyles just a little bit too loud on the more delicate of mornings. Then you might have trawled the Internet looking for good and original radio stations.…

Stuck for Inspiration?

The Internet is just so big, sometimes it's hard to know where to start when you are looking for inspiration or new ideas. Google is an obvious place, but only if you know what you're looking for. It's a great tool for locating information, but what if you just want…

18a have recently acquired the site - "part education, part therapy. We uncover grammatical and spelling errors on commercial signage and advertising, and share it with our loyal readers". So hop over and check it out - and keep us in mind next time you see a shocking typo…

The Original Social Network

For anyone who's getting fed up of all those social networking sites out there, take a look at this brand new social network that's taking the world by storm. Check out The Original Social Network

The World’s ‘Local’ Bank

Only a couple of months ago 18a Productions opened a business bank account with HSBC. They seemed as good as anyone else, and we'd heard good reports. And out of the 2 banks only a short walk away, they were the ones who returned our call, unlike Barclays. After a…

Shocking Tesco Typo

From working in PR and updating websites 24/7 (or so it seems sometimes!) I've developed a keen eye for typos. But I don't think it even takes a 'keen' eye to spot this striking blunder on a banner outside a Tesco store in South Somerset! A blunder that's very likely…

MSN Messenger Trojan Alarm

We've just heard that a new malware (software designed to infiltrate and/or damage a computer) is spreading like wildfire through MSN Messenger. The Trojan is an IRC bot which sends itself in a .zip file, either as a file including the word 'pics' with a double extension executable (DSC00432.jpg.exe) or…

Magical list generator using jquery

Just found this simple but effective javascript code, utilising the invaluable jquery library to create linked select lists. You select the first list and it magically goes off and generates the options in the 2nd and 3rd lists. This in itself isn't anything particularly ground breaking, but this code connects…

The Affiliate Marketing Board Game

It occurred to me the other day, just how much affiliate marketing is like playing monopoly! It's probably the reason I like it so much. Everyone trying to make it around the board, picking up as many properties as they can, in the hope that some will make decent returns.…