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Top 5 Tips for Good User Interface Design

User interface design is critically important when designing good and useable websites. It's often something that's overlooked or taken for granted by the general public as they use a site, but the basic principles are often applied by designers almost without them realising. Good design more often than not goes…

An XHTML and CSS-based Form Template

I've always found it a little tricky to write truly valid forms, yet still keeping the layout looking anything half decent. I guess you can hack it around a bit and float div's left and right, but it somehow always seemed a rather long-winded way to go about things. So…

Nice and Free CSS Layout Templates

A little thin on the ground with regards to the graphical elements but at first glance looks like a useful wireframe layout guide for building validated CSS based sites. Check out the nice and free CSS layout templates available at

AJAX Gizmos and Scripts for your Site

If you want to pimp your site and make it look the business take a look at these great AJAX script resources. AJAX is a bit of a buzzword at the moment which I don't particularly agree with, especially as there are plenty of cool web2.0 effects which might be…

The End of the Internet

Well I finally did it! I read everything on the Internet, it took a very long time and many late nights, but I can happily say that I finally feel a sense of closure. Having digested all the billions of opinions, comments and down right nonsense out there. So here…

If Blog Comments were a Meeting

If you've ever read a blog or bulletin board online you'll know they are a great source of useful, insightful and interesting comments but you'll also know the majority are just complete rubbish posted by people who wouldn't normally speak their mind quite so bluntly. It's basically an excuse for…

An Explanation…

Ok maybe a slightly strange choice of category title, but I needed somewhere in our lovely little blog to share with the world all the amazing new things we discover which just make us go 'WOW'! I've been looking on lately (fantastic site by the way guys) and there…

Before Time Began

It occured to me, whilst writing my 'It all starts here' post, that it infact didn't start there at all. Launching our site came after quite a few things, probably the most difficult of which was choosing our name... 18a, has a ring to it I think. Although it does…

Post Number 1 – It all starts here…

Well 18a is up and we're ready to rock and roll! It's very exciting, after almost 12 solid hours of code crunching and iStock searching we finally managed to get a pretty slick (if I do say so myself) website online! Having just installed a brand spanking new copy of…