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Why is my Facebook ad traffic not showing up on my real time Google Analytics report?

The answer, the reason and what you can do about it.

Google Analytics and cookies: can you use IP anonymisation?

How to put together a cookie policy strategy and is IP anon for you?

WordPress and AWS Elastic Beanstalk – getting set up – Part 2

Elastic Beanstalk has some great features but upgrading a WordPress is a little more involved than normal.

The new normal. 5 ideas for improved user security

With increasing security governance and the bad guys not giving up any time soon, do we need to take basic user security to a new level?

SSL certificates can only be 1 year long from September 2020

Your website will be marked as insecure or untrusted if you don't have the right dates on your certificate.

Failed Laravel 7 login returning me to home page with no errors

I recently found an issue with a Laravel 7 site I was working on where if I logged in and it failed, I was being redirected back to the home page with no error message.

How healthy is your cloud?

Cloud health is quite a generic term but in this instance it's concerned with watching the pennies. CloudHealth lets you see your spend in AWS, Azure, Google or a data centre and analyses for

WordPress and AWS Elastic Beanstalk – getting set up

We recently had the task of setting up hosting on AWS for a new site we're building for a client using Wordpress and decided to use Elastic Beanstalk.

Am I the last person to know why Google Images was invented?

It's been 20 years (somehow) since Jennifer Lopez inspired Google Image search.

Chrome to start blocking content after update to HTTPS

Chrome to start blocking content after update to HTTPS

Secure Customer Authentication Rules Delayed for 18 Months

Secure Customer Authentication Rules Delayed for 18 Months

The WordPress 5.0 Update, Bebo

The update comes with a new block-based editor, which allows users to have more flexibility with how they are designing their website.